Shanghai Redfox Plastic Packaging Inc.

PLA Container

Bamboo Fiber,Tea Fiber
Wood Fiber,Coffee Ground


Compost back to nature


PLA (Poly Lactic Acid) is a new developed eco-friendly materi-al which is derived from plant-based starch. We can make dailyproducts from this PLA material via mold injection process.Once in composting conditions, the PLA products will com-posted and back to nature environment.

PLA is a very promising raw material, made from renewableresources,an exciting new resin derived from a renewablesource,corn and other plant starches.The starched arebroken down through a fermentation and distillation processand reduced to a monomer called lactide.This is then furtherprocessed into the end product which is (polymerised lacticacid) resin from which bottles are then able to be blown from.

The main benefits of PLA bottles are:

1.They are biodegradable in industrial composting conditions,which benefits the environment through minimising theimpact on landfills.

2.They are environmentally friendly.

3.They are made from a plentiful non-depleting source.

4.They use 20-50% less carbon fuels to produce.

5.They are not derived from petroleum the traditional sourcefor plastic bottles and packaging.



PLA Bottle

The life cycle of PLA pliy-lactic-Acid Products